Your AppIe lD information has been updated.xxxxxx


Inclusion Date: Monday, June 5, 2023
Suspicious account activity scam
Claim that suspicious activities have been noticed in your account, and you can remediate the misdeed by taking some action such as clicking on a link to get refund for fund stolen from your account. Find out more

Key Characteristics

Origin: xxx
Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Language: en
User Agent (MUA): Microsoft Outlook 16.0
xMailer: Microsoft Outlook 16.0

Header Information

Message Id: riI1HRZrQjSpwoI5fidXPw@ismtpd0037p1mdw1.sendgrid.net
Return Path: xxx
Sender IP: xxx
Subject: Your AppIe lD information has been updated.

URLs extracted from the e-mail

You can verify the legitimacy of each URL; just click "Verify authenticity" to get a detailed report on it.

Verify authenticity http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml

Verify authenticity http://x.co/6nntP


Your AppIe lD information has been updated.